Reptile Smacking a Worm Back and Forth Blue Box Reddit Videos

So, I've seen this narrative around a lot, if you can call it that.

The narrative that the modern state of Yugioh is some mess and that the "old days" are better than the current.

"Old Days" is a different time period depending on who you ask, often people talk about Goat format (which I believe is only cards made during and before 2005? Correct me if I'm wrong here.) Sometimes talking after that time period with things like Nekroz etc, HAT also crops up sometimes.

To give reference to my personal experiences on this, I've only recently began trying to become more competitive. I read and listen and watch a lot about the game and try to learn what I can, I'm not expert on the game nor should I probably be writing this due to the fact... but anyway i'm giving it a shot.

There is the argument of the game was simpler back then, Pendulum and Link summoning wasn't around back in these time periods which by default makes the game simpler. However moving on from the fact that summoning mechanics were more limited back then which is a given, the game has an obvious power creep which I think a lot of games struggle to avoid. Card effects and combos didn't exist so much back then, we've all seen how long decks such as World Chalice in their combos, SPYRAL, Gouki has lengthy combos too given the Knightmares introduction to the card pool and Zoodiac could take it's own sweet time in a combo. All of these are fair examples, some more so than others but I may be wrong in some of these, I'm not a very meta intelligent player.

So given these examples, old play of yugioh was very simple, I've made and played decks in a very sort of "neo critter" format so to speak, very slow style of play like critter format only with more modern card pool but a very similar play style and pace of game. These decks played against each other had very enjoyable duels and took quite a long time in some circumstances (one reaching 40 minutes.) These also took quite a lot of brain power to work around, I had to make a lot of very difficult decisions during these duels that I often don't feel like I have to make when I play a modern duel. I'm not saying those difficult clutch choices do not exist in the modern time. However I will say that I rarely feel those hyper clutch choices compared to in the "neo critter" format I've been playing with where I feel these choices quite often in comparison.

So, after talking about the old days of yugioh, let's move on to the modern times. Trickstar Skystriker, pure skystriker and goukis taking up the main 3 slots in the top meta. This screenshot taking from Cimoooooooo 's Meta Analysis series, link to the specific video here:

r/yugioh - Why do people think the "old days" of Yugioh are superior to modern?

Gouki is the only deck here that creates the "break my board" mentality that I see a lot of Retro yugioh players constantly describe the entire meta as. Trickstar Skystriker does't create huge boards and focuses on a more grind game approach, pure skystriker is a control deck for the most part. Dinosaurs, BA, Frogs and D-Hero don't create these unbreakable boards. Pendulum Magicians can create boards such as the Knightmare Gyphon + Firewall board which is very strong but can be broken with effect destruction or with many of these decks, can easily be interrupted with handtraps. Kaijus and Ra sphere mode also offer easy outs to these big boards if made.

Another thing to note, look how many decks are there! 8 decks made it into this top cut, so the format isn't just:

> pick best deck

> drop 300+ on said best deck> gg ez boisThere is a good amount of variation in this top cut alone. As for prices, you can spend 400-500 for a top meta build I imagine, but with decks like dinosaur. You can get most of the cards for £30 via the Dinosmashers Fury Structure deck.

Frogs aren't too expensive, D-hero isn't that expensive, BA has dropped in price.

Creativity is not dead in this game, BA won the UK nationals out of nowhere, I've made and worked on some dumb decks like Bunilla turbo which just makes seven sins over and over, Venom Volcanic control. This game is more creative than ever with new options opening up every time new sets are released.

A lot of decks can compete in this meta and it is far more diverse than past formats such as Zoodiac format and SPYRAL format. Reprints also exist in modern, I was listening to a Team APS video a little ago and Paul spoke about how long he waited for Mirror force to get a re-print. We have the mega tins now that offer a good amount of re-prints from the year of the game. Also correct me if I'm wrong, but surely the days such as critter format was just taking the 40 best cards? I've heard people talk about how expensive decks like Nekroz were back in their time, with the development of online stores for the game and the availability of it all, cards are cheaper, while still expensive. They are cheaper than they used to be.

Personally, I love the modern format, it's tons of fun and there are more cards to mess around with to create some dumb jank decks. Yes it has it's issues, but I'd rather have the modern format than goat or older times.

So, that's what I have to say on the matter. Do you agree with what I've said? Disagree? Or have I just written a lot of words and haven't said anything? Did I miss any major reasoning for either side of the argument? If I've said some blatantly wrong stuff please correct me and I will edit the post accordingly.


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